Thanks to its six sturdy slots, Breakout Garden enables the users to simply plug and play with various tiny breakout board.
Just insert one or more boards into the slots in the Breakout Garden HAT and you’re ready to go. The mini breakouts feel secure enough in the edge-connector slots and are very unlikely to fall out.
There are a number of useful pins along the top of Breakout Garden, which lets you connect other devices and integrate them into your project.
You shouldn't be worried if you insert a board the wrong way thanks to provided reverse polarity protection. It doesn't matter which slot you use for each breakout either, because the I²C address of the breakout will be recognised by the software and it'll detect them correctly in case you move them around.
- Six sturdy edge-connector slots for Pimoroni breakouts
- 0.1” pitch, 5 pin connectors
- Broken-out pins (1 × 10 strip of male header included)
- Standoffs (M2.5, 10 mm height) included to hold your Breakout Garden securely
- Reverse polarity protection (built into breakouts)
- HAT format board
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 B+, 3, 2, B+, A+, Zero, and Zero W
It's suggested using the included standoffs to attache Breakout Garden to your Raspberry Pi.
Breakout Garden doesn't require any software of its own, but each breakout you use will need a Python library. On the Breakout Garden GitHub page you'll find an automatic installer, which will install the appropriate software for a given breakout. There are also some examples that show you what else you can do with Breakout Garden.