
341 producten

  • The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Guide

    Raspberry Pi Foundation The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Guide

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    Take pictures and shoot video with your Raspberry Pi. Connecting a High Quality Camera or Camera Module turns your favourite credit-card-sized computer into a powerful digital camera. Learn how to set up and control the camera to capture stills and video footage. Discover the numerous modes and effects available, and use the camera in a variety of exciting projects across 17 packed chapters: Set up the new High Quality Camera, attach a lens, and start capturing images Take selfies and shoot stop-motion videos Build a wildlife camera and also an underwater one Make a smart door with a video doorbell Set up a security camera to monitor your home And much, much more!

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    € 19,95

    Leden € 17,96

  • Ultimate Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware Manual (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Ultimate Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware Manual (E-book)

    Een handleiding met up-to-date hardware-informatie voor de Arduino Mega 2560.De Arduino Mega 2560 is een upgrade van het populaire Arduino Uno board, en biedt meer pinnen, seriële poorten en geheugen. Arduino is de makkelijk te gebruiken open-source elektronica platform gebruikt door hobbyisten, makers, hackers, experimenteerders, opvoeders en professionals.Krijg alle informatie die je nodig hebt over de hardware en firmware op Arduino Mega 2560 boards in deze handige referentie en gebruikershandleiding. Ideaal voor de werkbank of desktop. Deze handleiding behandelt de Arduino Mega 2560 hardware en firmware, en is een aanvulling op de Ultimate Arduino Uno Hardware Manual, die de Arduino Uno hardware en firmware behandelt. Bevat alle informatie over de Arduino Mega 2560 hardware op één plaats Bevat Arduino / Genuino Mega  2560 revisie  3 en eerdere borden Gemakkelijk vinden van hardware technische specificaties met uitleg Hoofdstuk met penverwijzingen en voorbeelden van interfacing Diagrammen en illustraties voor eenvoudige verwijzing naar pin functies en hardware aansluitingen Leer een back-up te maken van de firmware op het bord en deze te herstellen, of nieuwe firmware te laden Basis foutopsporing en reparatie procedures voor Arduino Mega 2560 bordjes Voedingscircuits vereenvoudigd en uitgelegd Mechanische afmetingen opgesplitst in vijf gemakkelijk te raadplegen diagrammen Bevat schakelschema's, onderdelenlijst en bordindeling om onderdelen gemakkelijk te vinden Een hoofdstuk over compatibiliteit van schilden legt uit hoe schilden werken op verschillende Arduino-borden

    € 27,95

    Leden € 22,36

  • Elektor ESP32 Smart Kit

    Elektor Labs Elektor ESP32 Smart Kit

    4 reviews

    Deze hardware kit is speciaal geprepareerd voor 'The Official ESP32 Book'. De kit bevat alle componenten die worden gebruikt in de projecten in dit boek. Met behulp van deze hardware kit is het gemakkelijk en leuk om de projecten in het boek te bouwen. Inbegrepen 1x ESP32 DevKitC 8x LED's (ROOD) 1x LED (GROEN) 2x drukknop 8x 330 ohm weerstanden 1x zoemer 1x RGB LED 1x TMP36 temperatuur sensor chip 1x DHT11 temperatuur en vochtigheid chip 1x MCP23017 (DIL 28 package) 1x LDR 1x BC108 (of een andere PNP) transistor 1x 7 segment LED 1x kleine microfoon module 1x I²C LCD 1x SG90 servo 1x 4x4 toetsenbordje 8x female-male jumpers 4x male jumpers 1x klein breadboardje

    € 59,95

    Leden € 53,96

  • Electric Guitar (2nd Edition) (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Electric Guitar (2nd Edition) (E-book)

    Sound Secrets and Technology What would today’s rock and pop music be without electric lead and bass guitars? These instruments have been setting the tone for more than sixty years. Their underlying sound is determined largely by their electrical components. But, how do they actually work? Almost no one is able to explain this to the true musician with no technical background. This book answers many questions simply, in an easily-understandable manner. For the interested musician (and others), this book unveils, in a simple and well-grounded way, what have, until now, been regarded as manufacturer secrets. The examination explores deep within the guitar, including pickups and electrical environment, so that guitar electronics are no longer considered highly secret. With a few deft interventions, many instruments can be rendered more versatile and made to sound a lot better – in the most cost-effective manner. The author is an experienced electronics professional and active musician. He has thoroughly tested everything described here, in practice.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Abc of Power Modules (E-book)

    Würth Abc of Power Modules (E-book)

    Functionality, structure and handling of a power module For readers with first steps in power management the “Abc of Power Modules” contains the basic principles necessary for the selection and use of a power module. The book describes the technical relationships and parameters related to power modules and the basis for calculation and measurement techniques. Contents Basics This chapter describes the need of a DC/DC voltage converter and its basic functionality. Furthermore, various possibilities for realizing a voltage regulator are presented and the essential advantages of a power module are mentioned. Circuit topologies Circuit concepts, buck and boost topologies very frequently used with power modules are explained in detail and further circuit topologies are introduced. Technology, construction and regulation technology The mechanical construction of a power module is presented, which has a significant influence on EMC and thermal performance. Furthermore, control methods are explained and circuit design tips are provided in this chapter. Measuring methods Meaningful measurement results are absolutely necessary to assess a power module. The relevant measurement points and measurement methods are described in this chapter. Handling The aspects of storage and handling of power modules are explained, as well as their manufacturing and soldering processes. Selection of a power modules Important parameters and criteria for the optimal selection of a power module are presented in this section.

    € 8,99

    Leden € 7,19

  • Programming Voice-controlled IoT Applications with Alexa and Raspberry Pi (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Programming Voice-controlled IoT Applications with Alexa and Raspberry Pi (E-book)

    Learn programming for Alexa devices, extend it to smart home devices and control the Raspberry PiThe book is split into two parts: the first part covers creating Alexa skills and the second part, designing Internet of Things and Smart Home devices using a Raspberry Pi.The first chapters describe the process of Alexa communication, opening an Amazon account and creating a skill for free. The operation of an Alexa skill and terminology such as utterances, intents, slots, and conversations are explained. Debugging your code, saving user data between sessions, S3 data storage and Dynamo DB database are discussed.In-skill purchasing, enabling users to buy items for your skill as well as certification and publication is outlined. Creating skills using AWS Lambda and ASK CLI is covered, along with the Visual Studio code editor and local debugging. Also covered is the process of designing skills for visual displays and interactive touch designs using Alexa Presentation Language.The second half of the book starts by creating a Raspberry Pi IoT 'thing' to control a robot from your Alexa device. This covers security issues and methods of sending and receiving MQTT messages between an Alexa device and the Raspberry Pi.Creating a smart home device is described including forming a security profile, linking with Amazon, and writing a Lambda function that gets triggered by an Alexa skill. Device discovery and on/off control is demonstrated.Next, readers discover how to control a smart home Raspberry Pi display from an Alexa skill using Simple Queue Service (SQS) messaging to switch the display on and off or change the color.A node-RED design is discussed from the basic user interface right up to configuring MQTT nodes. MQTT messages sent from a user are displayed on a Raspberry Pi.A chapter discusses sending a proactive notification such as a weather alert from a Raspberry Pi to an Alexa device. The book concludes by explaining how to create Raspberry Pi as a stand-alone Alexa device.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Multitasking with Raspberry Pi (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Multitasking with Raspberry Pi (E-book)

    Multitasking and multiprocessing have become a very important topic in microcontroller-based systems, namely in complex commercial, domestic, and industrial automation applications. As the complexity of projects grows, more functionalities are demanded from the projects. Such projects require the use of multiple inter-related tasks running on the same system and sharing the available resources, such as the CPU, memory, and input-output ports. As a result of this, the importance of multitasking operations in microcontroller-based applications has grown steadily over the last few years. Many complex automation projects now make use of some form of a multitasking kernel. This book is project-based and its main aim is to teach the basic features of multitasking using the Python 3 programming language on Raspberry Pi. Many fully tested projects are provided in the book using the multitasking modules of Python. Each project is described fully and in detail. Complete program listings are given for each project. Readers should be able to use the projects as they are, or modify them to suit their own needs. The following Python multitasking modules have been described and used in the projects: Fork Thread Threading Subprocess Multiprocessing The book includes simple multitasking projects such as independently controlling multiple LEDs, to more complex multitasking projects such as on/off temperature control, traffic lights control, 2-digit, and 4-digit 7-segment LED event counter, reaction timer, stepper motor control, keypad based projects, car park controller, and many more. The fundamental multitasking concepts such as process synchronization, process communication, and memory sharing techniques have been described in projects concerning event flags, queues, semaphores, values, and so on.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Electronic Circuits For All (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Electronic Circuits For All (E-book)

    This book contains more than 400 simple electronic circuits which are developed and tested in practice by the authors. The technical solutions presented in the book are intended to stimulate the creative imagination of readers and broaden their area of thought. This should allow readers to look beyond the horizons of possibilities and use ordinary electronic items in a new way. This book includes new and original radio electronic multipurpose circuits. The chapters of the book are devoted to power electronics and measuring equipment and contain numerous original circuits of generators, amplifiers, filters, electronic switches based on thyristors and CMOS switch elements. Wired and wireless systems as well as security and safety systems are presented. Due to the high relevance and increased interest of readers in little-known or not readily available information, the different chapters of this book describe the use of electronic devices in industrial electronics and for research, as well as new instruments and equipment for medical use, gas-discharge and Kirlian photography. A number of technical devices presented in this book are related to research of the mysteries of the earth, nature and human beings by using radio electronic devices. This book will be useful for both radio amateurs and professionals.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Raspberry Pi programmeren met C

    Raspberry Pi programmeren met C

    Dit boek gaat over de Raspberry Pi, en over het programmeren in C. De programmeertaal C en het besturingssysteem Linux (Raspbian) passen uitstekend bij elkaar. Alles wat we nodig hebben om in C te programmeren wordt meegeleverd met het besturingssysteem van de Raspberry Pi.In dit boek leert u hoe C gebruikt wordt met de Raspberry Pi, en krijgt u een overzicht van de taal.WiringPi is een softwarebibliotheek voor de Raspberry Pi waarmee C hardware-uitbreidingen kan benaderen. Die bibliotheek wordt gebruikt om sensoren uit te lezen en om extra hardware aan te sturen. U gaat experimenteren met LED’s en schakelaars, met motoren, met geluid en met sensoren voor temperatuur, luchtdruk, en luchtvochtigheid.Met een Linux-systeem kunt u een webserver maken, inclusief interactieve websites met PHP en WiringPi. Daarom is ook een beknopt overzicht van HTML en PHP in het boek opgenomen. In de voorbeelden worden sensoren via het web uitgelezen en worden apparaten bestuurd. In het laatste voorbeeld wordt een temperatuurlogger gemaakt. Die meet elk kwartier de temperatuur. Een tabel met de meetwaarden kan via het web worden uitgelezen.Alle voorbeeldprogramma’s kunnen worden gedownload van de website van Elektor.

    € 27,50

    Leden € 24,75

  • Renewable Energy at Home (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Renewable Energy at Home (E-book)

    A Hands-on Guide to Crafting Your Own Power Plant The book you are about to read provides a step-by-step guide for building a renewable energy power plant at home. Our goal was to make the book as practical as possible. The material is intended for immediate application with a small amount of theory. Yet, the theory is important as a foundation that saves time and effort by disabusing the readers of potential misconceptions. Specifically, upon having a firm understanding of photovoltaic physics, you will not be inclined to fruitlessly search for 90% efficient solar panels! We want our readers to be the “doers”. If the book gets covered in grime and some pages become torn while you are building your power plant – this is the best compliment to us. The book covers solar and wind energy. Also, a curious power source based on manure is discussed as well, giving the doers an opportunity to further develop the manure fuel cell. It is important to note that there are many companies offering installation of complete solar solutions. Upon installing the panels, the system is not owned by the customer. Therefore, there is no freedom for experimentation and optimization. Also, none can beat the cost of a DIY solution as well as the ultimate satisfaction. All that is written here is a result of us building a renewable energy solution in Southern California. As the book was completed, the energy began flowing!

    € 19,95

    Leden € 15,96

  • Trilogy of Magnetics, 5th Edition (E-book)

    Würth Trilogy of Magnetics, 5th Edition (E-book)

    Design Guide for EMI Filter Design, SMPS & RF Circuits The book focuses on the selection of components, circuitry and layout recommendations for a wide array of magnetics components, always keeping in mind an EMC point of view. Contents Basic principles The most important laws and foundations of inductive components, equivalent circuit diagrams and simulation models give the reader a basic knowledge of electronics. Components This chapter introduces inductive components and their special properties and areas of use. All relevant components are explained, from EMC components and inductors to transformers, RF components, circuit protection components, shielding materials and capacitors. Applications In this chapter, the reader will find a comprehensive overview of the principle of filter circuits, circuitry and numerous industrial applications that are explained in detail based on original examples.

    € 44,99

    Leden € 35,99

  • BBC micro:bit (Book)

    Elektor Publishing BBC micro:bit (Book)

    35 Touch Develop & MicroPython ProjectsThe BBC micro:bit is a credit sized computer based on a highly popular and high performance ARM processor. The device is designed by a group of 29 partners for use in computer education in the UK and will be given free of charge to every secondary school student in the UK.The device is based on the Cortex-M0 processor and it measures 4 x 5 cm. It includes several important sensors and modules such as an accelerometer, magnetometer, 25 LEDs, 2 programmable push-button switches, Bluetooth connectivity, micro USB socket, 5 ring type connectors, and a 23-pin edge connector. The device can be powered from its micro USB port by connecting it to a PC, or two external AAA type batteries can be used.This book is about the use of the BBC micro:bit computer in practical projects. The BBC micro:bit computer can be programmed using several different programming languages, such as Microsoft Block Editor, Microsoft Touch Develop, MicroPython, and JavaScript.The book makes a brief introduction to the Touch Develop programming language and the MicroPython programming language. It then gives 35 example working and tested projects using these language. Readers who learn to program in Touch Develop and MicroPython should find it very easy to program using the Block Editor or any other languages.The following are given for each project: Title of the project Description of the project Aim of the project Touch Develop and MicroPython program listings Complete program listings are given for each project. In addition, working principles of the projects are described briefly in each section. Readers are encouraged to go through the projects in the order given in the book.Also available:Kit of parts for the experiments published in this book. This kit contains: 4 x LED, 4 x 270 ohm resistor, 5 x wire (male-female), 2 x wire (male-male), 3 x Button, 3 x 10 kilo-ohm resistor, 1 x TMP36 temperature sensor, 1 x Buzzer, 1 x Light dependent resistor, 1 x RGB LED, 1 x BC337 transistor, 1 x 680 ohm resistor, 1 x 3V DC motor, 1 x ML8511 UV sensor module, 1 x mini servo, 1 x small breadboard, 1 x BBC micro:bit edge connector, 1 x BBC micro:bit adapter board, 1 x mounting plate

    € 24,95

    Leden € 22,46

  • ESP32 & ESP8266 Compilation (EN) | E-book

    Elektor Digital ESP32 & ESP8266 Compilation (EN) | E-book

    De ESP8266 van Espressif is een Wi-Fi-microchip met volledige TCP/IP-stack en microcontroller-mogelijkheid. Het heeft golven gemaakt in de maker gemeenschap met zijn lage prijs.Maar veel ontwikkelaars waren niet blij met het hoge stroomverbruik van de ESP8266. De ESP32, uitgerust met een ULP (Ultra Low Power) coprocessor, biedt hier een oplossing voor.In dit E-Book vindt u een aantal projecten met de ESP32 &; ESP8266 en een interview met de CEO van Espressif Teo Swee Ann.  Artikelen ESP32 voor gebruik in Industrie 4.0-apparatuur Scrolling Message Display, 512 LED's bestuurd via Wi-Fi via een ESP-12F Het Connected Greenhouse IoT demonstratieproject met behulp van MQTT en Node-RED VFD-tube Clock met ESP32 met een nauwkeurige Internet-afgeleide tijd ESP32 laag vermogen DCF77 Emulator met ESP8266 ESP8266 op het Elektor Android I/O-bord De reden achter de immens populaire ESP8266? Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostaat Timers voor de Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat PlatformIOPlatformIO, het universele programmeergereedschap Weergave, Visualiseer actuele weergegevens op een LC-display GoNotify, een flexibele IoT sensor-interface ESP32 voor krachtige gebruikers USB programmeeradapter voor ESP8266 Aan de slag met ESP32 en de Arduino IDE MicroPython, Python voor kleine systemen RGBDigit Klok WLAN voor Microcontrollers Terugkeer van het Wi-Fi Controller Board Compact en autonoom WLAN

    € 7,50

    Leden € 6,00

  • Technical Modeling with OpenSCAD (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Technical Modeling with OpenSCAD (E-book)

    Create Models for 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Process Communication and Documentation Engineers dread designing 3D models using traditional modeling software. OpenSCAD takes a refreshing and completely different approach. Create your models by arranging geometric solids in a JavaScript-like language, and use them with your 3D printer, CNC mill, or process communication. OpenSCAD differs from other design systems in that it uses programmatical modeling. Your model is made up of primitives that are invoked using a C-, Java- or Python-like language. This approach to model design is close to the “mechanical work” done in the real world and appeals to engineers and others who are not a member of the traditional creative class. OpenSCAD also provides a wide variety of comfort functions that break the 1:1 relationship between code and geometry. This book demonstrates the various features of the programming language using practical examples such as a replacement knob for a LeCroy oscilloscope, a wardrobe hanger, a container for soap dispensers, and various other real-life examples. Written by an engineer with over 15 years of experience, this book is intended for Linux and Windows users alike. If you have programming experience in any language, this book will have you producing practical three-dimensional objects in short order!

    € 24,95

    Leden € 19,96

  • Red Pitaya for Test and Measurement (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Red Pitaya for Test and Measurement (E-book)

    The Red Pitaya (STEMlab) is a credit card-sized, open-source test and measurement board that can be used to replace most measurement instruments used in electronics laboratories. With a single click, the board can transform into a web-based oscilloscope, spectrum analyser, signal generator, LCR meter, Bode plotter, and microcontroller.The Red Pitaya (STEMlab) can replace the many pieces of expensive measurement equipment found at professional research organisations and teaching laboratories. The device, that based on Linux, includes an FPGA, digital signal processing (DSP), dual core ARM Cortex processor, signal acquisition and generation circuitry, micro USB socket, microSD card slot, RJ45 socket for Ethernet connection, and USB socket – all powered from an external mains adaptor.This book is an introduction to electronics. It aims to teach the principles and applications of basic electronics by carrying out real experiments using the Red Pitaya (STEMlab). The book includes many chapters on basic electronics and teaches the theory and use of electronic components including resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers in electronic circuits. Many fun and interesting Red Pitaya (STEMlab) experiments are included in the book. The book also makes an introduction to visual programming environment.The book is written for college level and first year university students studying electrical or electronic engineering.

    € 26,95

    Leden € 21,56

  • Mastering the I²C Bus (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Mastering the I²C Bus (E-book)

    Mastering the I²C Bus takes you on an exploratory journey of the I²C Bus and its applications. Besides the Bus protocol, plenty of attention is given to the practical applications and designing a stable system. The most common I²C compatible chip classes are covered in detail. Two experimentation boards are available that allow for rapid prototype development. These boards are completed by a USB to I²C probe and a software framework to control I²C devices from your computer. All samples programs can be downloaded from the 'Attachments/Downloads' section on this page. Projects built on Board 1: USB to I²C Interface, PCA 9534 Protected Input, PCA 9534 Protected Output, PCA 9553 PWM LED Controller, 24xxx EEPROM Module, LM75 Temperature Sensor, PCA8563 Real-time Clock with Battery Backup, LCD and Keyboard Module, Bus Power Supply. Projects built on Board 2: Protected Input, Protected Output, LM75 Temperature Sensor, PCF8574 I/O Board, SAA1064 LED Display, PCA9544 Bus Expander, MCP40D17 Potentiometer, PCF8591 AD/DA, ADC121 A/D Converter, MCP4725 D/A Converter, 24xxx EEPROM Module.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  •  -36% Get Started with the Bundle

    Elektor Bundles Get Started with the Bundle' is een draagbare multi-sensor print in een plastic doos en ontwikkeld door STMicroelectronics. Deze is uitgerust met een krachtige 32-bits ARM Cortex-M4-processor met DSP en FPU, en verschillende sensormodules, zoals een versnellingsmeter, gyroscoop, temperatuursensor, vochtigheidssensor, luchtdruksensor, microfoon, enzovoort. is klaar voor gebruik met draadloze IoT- en Bluetooth-connectiviteit die gemakkelijk kan worden gebruikt met een iOS- of Android-compatibele smartphone, ongeacht het expertiseniveau van de gebruiker. wordt geleverd met een batterij met lange levensduur en het enige wat de gebruiker hoeft te doen is de batterij aan te sluiten op de schakeling om de box te kunnen gebruiken. Inbegrepen sensoren Temperatuur 3-assige versnellingsmeter 3-assige magnetometer 3-assige versnelling & gyroscoop (6-assige traagheid) Vochtigheid Hoogtemeter/Druk Microfoon Meegeleverde randapparatuur Bluetooth Li-Ion oplader DC-DC-converter 500 mAh Li-Ion batterij

    € 69,95€ 44,95

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  • Learning the Art of Electronics

    Cambridge University Press Learning the Art of Electronics

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    This introduction to circuit design is unusual in several respects. First, it offers not just explanations, but a full course. Each of the twenty-five sessions begins with a discussion of a particular sort of circuit followed by the chance to try it out and see how it actually behaves. Accordingly, students understand the circuit's operation in a way that is deeper and much more satisfying than the manipulation of formulas. Second, it describes circuits that more traditional engineering introductions would postpone: on the third day, we build a radio receiver; on the fifth day, we build an operational amplifier from an array of transistors. The digital half of the course centers on applying microcontrollers, but gives exposure to Verilog, a powerful Hardware Description Language. Third, it proceeds at a rapid pace but requires no prior knowledge of electronics. Students gain intuitive understanding through immersion in good circuit design. The course is intensive, teaching electronics in day-at-a-time practical doses so that students can learn in a hands-on way. The integration of discussion of design with a chance to try the circuits means students learn quickly. The course has been tried and tested, and proven successful through twenty-five years of teaching. The book is practical: it avoids mathematics and mathematical arguments and even includes a complete list of parts needed in the laboratory exercises, including where and how to buy them. About the authors Thomas C. HayesTom Hayes reached electronics via a circuitous route that started in law school and eventually found him teaching Laboratory Electronics at Harvard, which he has done for twenty-five years. He has also taught electronics for the Harvard Summer School, the Harvard Extension School, and for seventeen years in Boston University's Department of Physics. He shares authorship of one patent, for a device that logs exposure to therapeutic bright light. He and his colleagues are trying to launch this device with a startup company named Goodlux Technologies. Tom designs circuits as the need for them arises in the electronics course. One such design is a versatile display, serial interface and programmer for use with the microcomputer that students build in the course. Paul Horowitz, Harvard University, MassachusettsPaul Horowitz is a Professor of Physics and of Electrical Engineering at Harvard University, where in 1974 he originated the Laboratory Electronics course from which emerged The Art of Electronics. In addition to his work in circuit design and electronic instrumentation, his research interests have included observational astrophysics, X-ray and particle microscopy, and optical interferometry. He is one of the pioneers of the search for intelligent life beyond Earth (SETI). He has also served as a member of the JASON Defense Advisory Group. He is the author of some two hundred scientific articles and reports, has consulted widely for industry and government, and is the designer of numerous scientific and photographic instruments.

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    € 64,95

    Leden € 58,46

  • Programming with STM32 Nucleo Boards (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Programming with STM32 Nucleo Boards (E-book)

    1 review

    STM32 Nucleo family of processors are manufactured by STMicroelectronics. These are low-cost ARM microcontroller development boards. This book is about developing projects using the popular Nucleo development board. In the early chapters of the book, the architecture of the Nucleo family is briefly described.Software development tools that can be used with the Nucleo boards such as the Mbed, Keil MDK, TrueSTUDIO, and the System Workbench are described briefly in later Chapters.The book covers many projects using most features of the STM32 Nucleo development boards where the full software listings for Mbed and System Workbench are given for every project. The projects range from simple flashing LEDs to more complex projects using modules and devices such as GPIO, ADC, DAC, I²C, LCD, analog inputs and others.In addition, several projects are given using the Nucleo Expansion Boards, including popular expansion boards such as solid-state relay, MEMS and environmental sensors, DC motor driver, Wi-Fi, and stepper motor driver.These Expansion Boards plug on top of the Nucleo development boards and simplify the task of project development considerably.Features of this book Learn the architecture of the STM32 microcontrollers Learn how to use the Nucleo development board in projects using Mbed and System Workbench Toolchains Learn how to use the Nucleo Expansion Boards with the Nucleo development boards UpdateThe Mbed compiler has been replaced with two software packages: The Mbed Studio and Keil Studio Cloud. Both of these software packages are free of charge and are available on the Internet. If you need assistance using the Keil Studio Cloud, please download the Guide below.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Programming the Finite State Machine (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Programming the Finite State Machine (E-book)

    2 reviews

    Programming the Finite State Machine with 8-Bit PICs in Assembly and C Andrew Pratt provides a detailed introduction to programming PIC microcontrollers, as well as a thorough overview of the Finite State Machine (FSM) approach to programming. Most of the book uses assembly programming, but do not be deterred. The FSM gives a structure to a program, making it easy to plan, write, and modify. The last two chapters introduce programming in C, so you can make a direct comparison between the two techniques. The book references the relevant parts of the Microchip datasheet as familiarity with it is the best way to discover detailed information. This book is aimed at Microsoft Windows and Linux users. To keep your costs to a minimum and to simplify the toolchain, specific applications are provided as a free download to enable you to use an FTDI serial lead as the programmer. The assembler used is the open-source "gpasm". All programming can be done in a text editor. There are detailed instructions on how to perform the necessary installations on Windows, Linux Debian, and derivatives such as Ubuntu and Fedora. For programming in C, Microchip's XC8 compiler is used from the command line. In addition to the programming applications, two serial read and serial write applications can be used for communicating with the PICs from a computer. A voltmeter project including practical instructions on building a circuit board from scratch is included. All theory is covered beforehand, including how to do integer arithmetic in assembly. Two PICs are covered: the PIC12F1822 and the PIC16F1823. Both can run at 32 MHz with an internal oscillator. You do not need to buy a factory-made development board and programmer. With relatively inexpensive parts including a serial lead, microcontroller, a few resistors, and LEDs, you can get started exploring embedded programming. Links Updated Programmer

    € 27,95

    Leden € 22,36

  •  -13% Mastering the Arduino Uno R4 Bundel

    Elektor Bundles Mastering the Arduino Uno R4 Bundel

    Mastering the Arduino Uno R4 Based on the low-cost 8-bit ATmega328P processor, the Arduino Uno R3 board is likely to score as the most popular Arduino family member so far, and this workhorse has been with us for many years. Recently, the new Arduino Uno R4 was released, based on a 48-MHz, 32-bit Cortex-M4 processor with a huge amount of SRAM and flash memory. Additionally, a higher-precision ADC and a new DAC are added to the design. The new board also supports the CAN Bus with an interface. Two versions of the board are available: Uno R4 Minima, and Uno R4 WiFi. This book is about using these new boards to develop many different and interesting projects with just a handful of parts and external modules, which are available as a kit from Elektor. All projects described in the book have been fully tested on the Uno R4 Minima or the Uno R4 WiFi board, as appropriate. The project topics include the reading, control, and driving of many components and modules in the kit as well as on the relevant Uno R4 board, including LEDs 7-segment displays (using timer interrupts) LCDs Sensors RFID Reader 4×4 Keypad Real-time clock (RTC) Joystick 8×8 LED matrix Motors DAC (Digital-to-analog converter) LED matrix WiFi connectivity Serial UART CAN bus Infrared controller and receiver Simulators … all in creative and educational ways with the project operation and associated software explained in great detail. Arduino Uno R4 Minima The Arduino Uno R4 is powered by the Renesas RA4M1 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 processor, providing a significant boost in processing power, memory, and functionality. The WiFi version comes with an ESP32-S3 WiFi module in addition to the RA4M1, expanding creative opportunities for makers and engineers. The Uno R4 Minima is an affordable option for those who don't need the additional features. The Arduino Uno R4 runs at 48 MHz, which provides a 3x increase over the popular Uno R3. Additionally, SRAM has been upgraded from 2 kB to 32 kB, and flash memory from 32 kB to 256 kB to support more complex projects. Responding to community feedback, the USB port is now USB-C, and the maximum power supply voltage has been raised to 24 V with an enhanced thermal design. The board includes a CAN bus and an SPI port, enabling users to reduce wiring and perform parallel tasks by connecting multiple shields. A 12-bit analog DAC is also provided on the board. Specifications Microcontroller Renesas RA4M1 (ARM Cortex-M4) USB USB-C Programming Port Pins Digital I/O Pins 14 Pins Analog input pins 6 DAC 1 PWM pins 6 Communication UART 1x I²C 1x SPI 1x CAN 1x CAN Bus Power Circuit operating voltage 5 V Input voltage (VIN) 6-24 V DC Current per I/O Pin 8 mA Clock speed Main core 48 MHz Memory RA4M1 256 kB Flash, 32 kB RAM Dimensions 68.9 x 53.4 mm Downloads Datasheet Schematics Deze bundel bevat: Mastering the Arduino Uno R4 (t.w.v. € 35) Arduino Uno R4 Minima (t.w.v. € 20)

    € 54,95€ 47,95

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  • Raspberry Pi Pico Essentials (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Raspberry Pi Pico Essentials (E-book)

    Program, build, and master over 50 projects with MicroPython and the RP2040 microprocessor The Raspberry Pi Pico is a high-performance microcontroller module designed especially for physical computing. Microcontrollers differ from single-board computers, like the Raspberry Pi 4, in not having an operating system. The Raspberry Pi Pico can be programmed to run a single task very efficiently within real-time control and monitoring applications requiring speed. The ‘Pico’ as we call it, is based on the fast, efficient, and low-cost dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ RP2040 microcontroller chip running at up to 133 MHz and sporting 264 KB of SRAM, and 2 MB of Flash memory. Besides its large memory, the Pico has even more attractive features including a vast number of GPIO pins, and popular interface modules like ADC, SPI, I²C, UART, and PWM. To cap it all, the chip offers fast and accurate timing modules, a hardware debug interface, and an internal temperature sensor. The Raspberry Pi Pico is easily programmed using popular high-level languages such as MicroPython and or C/C++. This book is an introduction to using the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller in conjunction with the MicroPython programming language. The Thonny development environment (IDE) is used in all the projects described. There are over 50 working and tested projects in the book, covering the following topics: Installing the MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico using a Raspberry Pi or a PC Timer interrupts and external interrupts Analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) projects Using the internal temperature sensor and external temperature sensor chips Datalogging projects PWM, UART, I²C, and SPI projects Using Wi-Fi and apps to communicate with smartphones Using Bluetooth and apps to communicate with smartphones Digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) projects All projects given in the book have been fully tested and are working. Only basic programming and electronics experience is required to follow the projects. Brief descriptions, block diagrams, detailed circuit diagrams, and full MicroPython program listings are given for all projects described. Readers can find the program listings on the Elektor web page created to support the book.

    € 29,95

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  • Basiscursus Elektronica (E-BOOK)

    Elektor Digital Basiscursus Elektronica (E-BOOK)

    Er zijn talloze diepgravende elektronica-leerboeken op de markt. We noemen er hier slechts één: ‘The Art of Electronics’, dat onder de titel ‘Elektronica, kunst en kunde’ in vier delen bij Elektor is verschenen. Wie echter elektronicakennis voor “dagelijks gebruik” wil hebben, zit op zo’n wetenschappelijk verantwoorde verhandeling waarschijnlijk helemaal niet te wachten. Laat staan op een beschrijving van de meest exotische componenten of elke denkbare variant van een principiële schakeling.Indien dit ook voor u geldt, dan is dit boek voor u bestemd: voor de middelbare scholier en voor de hobbyist die zich meer wil verdiepen in de elektronica. En dus voor iedereen die een korte, begrijpelijke en bovenal betaalbare inleiding tot dit interessante vakgebied wenst. Deze ‘Basiscursus Elektronica’ maakt u vertrouwd met de analoge (laagfrequent-)techniek, letterlijk de basis van alle elektronica.

    € 19,95

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  • 3D Modeling and Printing for Electronics (E-book)

    Elektor Digital 3D Modeling and Printing for Electronics (E-book)

    Learn to 3D Model & 3D Print with TinkercadWith this book and the complementary videos, you’ll be 3D printing in no time at all. This course is meant to have you make casings for electronic components but also goes into optimizing your print technique as well as adding a little flair to your 3D creations. The course is perfect for you if you just bought your (first) 3D printer and want to print your own designs as soon as possible while also being able to get more background information.You’ll get to know the workings of a 3D printer and what software to use to model your object, not forgetting to make it print perfectly. We’ll even use the magic of 3D printing to create things that appear impossible to make (this fast and simple) with any other rapid-prototyping technique.At the end of this course, it’ll be second nature for you to design an object for 3D printing and fine-tune your print-setting to get the perfect print!The book includes the following 7 video tutorials: Introduction Basic 3D modeling for 3D printing Modeling a casing Post-processing Pushing the limits Movable parts Snap fits

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