Raspberry Pi | Arduino | ESP

81 producten

  • C Programming with Arduino

    Elektor Publishing C Programming with Arduino

    Technologie verandert voortdurend. Elk jaar komen er nieuwe microcontrollers beschikbaar. Het enige dat hetzelfde is gebleven, is de programmeertaal C waarmee deze microcontrollers worden geprogrammeerd. Wil je deze standaardtaal leren om microcontrollers te programmeren, dan is dit boek iets voor jou! Arduino is het hardwareplatform dat gebruikt wordt om de programmeertaal C te leren, aangezien Arduino boards wereldwijd verkrijgbaar zijn en de populaire AVR microcontrollers van Atmel bevatten.Atmel Studio wordt gebruikt als ontwikkelomgeving voor het schrijven van C-programma's voor AVR-microcontrollers. Het is een volledig geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsomgeving (IDE) die gebruik maakt van de GCC C-softwaretools voor AVR-microcontrollers en is gratis te downloaden.In één oogopslag: Start met leren programmeren vanaf het eerste hoofdstuk Er is geen programmeerervaring nodig Leer door te doen – typ en draai de voorbeeldprogramma's Een leuke manier om de programmeertaal C te leren Ideaal voor elektronische hobbyisten, studenten en ingenieurs die de programmeertaal C willen leren in een embedded omgeving op AVR-microcontrollers Gebruik de gratis volledige Atmel Studio IDE-software voor Windows Schrijf C-programma's voor 8-bit AVR-microcontrollers zoals op de Arduino Uno- en MEGA-boards De voorbeeldcode draait op Arduino Uno en Arduino MEGA 2560 boards en kan worden aangepast om op andere AVR microcontrollers of boards te draaien Gebruik de AVR Dragon programmer / debugger in combinatie met Atmel Studio om C-programma's te debuggen

    € 44,95

    Leden € 40,46

  • Arduino & Co – Measure, Control, and Hack

    Elektor Publishing Arduino & Co – Measure, Control, and Hack

    Clever Tricks with ATmega328 Pro Mini BoardsWith a simple Pro Mini board and a few other components, projects that 20 or 30 years ago were unthinkable (or would have cost a small fortune) are realized easily and affordably in this book: From simple LED effects to a full battery charging and testing station that will put a rechargeable through its paces, there’s something for everyone.All the projects are based on the ATmega328 microcontroller, which offers endless measuring, switching, and control options with its 20 input and output lines. For example, with a 7-segment display and a few resistors, you can build a voltmeter or an NTC-based thermometer. The Arduino platform offers the perfect development environment for programming this range of boards.Besides these very practical projects, the book also provides the necessary knowledge for you to create projects based on your own ideas. How to measure, and what? Which transistor is suitable for switching a certain load? When is it better to use an IC? How do you switch mains voltage? Even LilyPad-based battery-operated projects are discussed in detail, as well as many different motors, from simple DC motors to stepper motors.Sensors are another exciting topic: For example, a simple infrared receiver that can give disused remote controls a new lease on life controlling your home, and a tiny component that can actually measure the difference in air pressure between floor and table height!

    € 34,95

    Leden € 31,46

  • Raspberry Pi Full Stack

    Raspberry Pi Full Stack

    Dit boek neemt u mee op een wervelende tour van full-stack web applicatie ontwikkeling met behulp van Raspberry Pi. U leert hoe u een applicatie vanaf de grond kunt opbouwen.U zult ervaring en kennis opdoen van technologieën waaronder: Het Linux-besturingssysteem en de opdrachtregel. De programmeertaal Python. De Raspberry Pi General Purpose Input Output pins (GPIOs). De Nginx webserver. Flask Python microkader voor webtoepassingen. JQuery en CSS voor het maken van gebruikersinterfaces. Omgaan met tijdzones. Creëren van grafieken met Plotly en Google Charts. Gegevensregistratie met Google Sheet. Applets ontwikkelen met IFTTT. Het beveiligen van uw applicatie met SSL. Sms-berichten ontvangen op je telefoon met Twilio. Dit boek leert u ook hoe u een draadloze Arduino sensor node op afstand kunt opzetten en er gegevens van kunt verzamelen. Uw Raspberry Pi web applicatie zal in staat zijn om Arduino node data te verwerken op dezelfde manier als het data verwerkt van zijn onboard sensor.Raspberry Pi Full Stack leert u veel vaardigheden die essentieel zijn voor het bouwen van Web- en Internet of Things-toepassingen.De applicatie die u in dit project zult bouwen, is een platform waarop u kunt uitbreiden. Dit is slechts het begin van wat je kunt doen met een Raspberry Pi en de software en hardware componenten die je zult leren kennen.Dit boek wordt ondersteund door de auteur via een speciale discussieruimte.

    € 39,95

    Leden € 35,96

  • Motor Control – Projects met Arduino & Raspberry Pi

    Motor Control – Projects with Arduino & Raspberry Pi

    Niet op voorraad

    Dit boek gaat over gelijkstroom elektromotoren en hun gebruik in Arduino en Raspberry Pi Zero W gebaseerde projecten. Het boek bevat veel geteste en werkende projecten waarbij elk project de volgende sub-rubrieken heeft: Titel van het project Beschrijving van het project Blok diagram schakelschema Projectassemblage Volledige programmalijst van het project Volledige beschrijving van het programma De projecten in het boek behandelen de standaard gelijkstroommotoren, stappenmotoren, servomotoren, en mobiele robots. Het boek is bedoeld voor studenten, hobbyisten en iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het ontwikkelen van microcontroller-gebaseerde projecten met behulp van de Arduino Uno of de Raspberry Pi Zero W.Een van de leuke kenmerken van dit boek is dat het complete projecten geeft voor het op afstand besturen van een mobiele robot vanaf een mobiele telefoon, met zowel de Arduino Uno als de Raspberry Pi Zero W ontwikkelborden. Deze projecten zijn ontwikkeld met behulp van zowel Wi-Fi als de Bluetooth connectiviteit met de mobiele telefoon. Lezers moeten in staat zijn om een robot vooruit, achteruit, linksom of rechtsom te laten draaien door eenvoudige commando's te sturen vanaf een mobiele telefoon. De volledige programmalijsten van alle projecten en de gedetailleerde programmabeschrijvingen worden in het boek gegeven. Gebruikers zouden de projecten moeten kunnen gebruiken zoals ze worden gepresenteerd, of ze aan hun eigen behoeften moeten kunnen aanpassen.

    Niet op voorraad

    € 32,95

    Leden € 29,66

  • Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications (E-book)

    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radiochips zijn alomtegenwoordig, van Raspberry Pi tot gloeilampen. BLE is een uitgebreide technologie met een uitgebreide specificatie, maar de basis is vrij toegankelijk. Een progressieve en systematische aanpak zal u ver leiden in het onder de knie krijgen van deze draadloze communicatietechniek, die essentieel is voor het werken in low power scenario's. In dit boek leert u hoe u: Ontdek BLE-apparaten in de buurt door naar hun advertenties te luisteren. Uw eigen advertentiegegevens voor BLE-apparaten kunt maken. Maak verbinding met BLE-apparaten zoals hartslagmeters en nabijheidsmelders. Maak veilige verbindingen met BLE-apparaten met encryptie en authenticatie. BLE service- en profielspecificaties begrijpen en implementeren. Reverse-engineer een BLE-apparaat met een bedrijfseigen implementatie en bestuur het met je eigen software. Zorg ervoor dat je BLE-apparaten zo weinig mogelijk stroom verbruiken. Dit boek leert u de kneepjes van het programmeren van BLE met Python en de Bleak bibliotheek op een Raspberry Pi of PC, met C++ en NimBLE-Arduino op Espressif's ESP32 ontwikkelborden, en met C op een van de ontwikkelborden die worden ondersteund door het Zephyr real-time besturingssysteem, zoals Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52 borden. Ter inleiding met een zeer geringe hoeveelheid theorie, zult u direct vanaf het begin code ontwikkelen. Nadat u dit boek hebt voltooid, weet u genoeg om uw eigen BLE-toepassingen te maken.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Mastering the Arduino Uno R4 (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Mastering the Arduino Uno R4 (E-book)

    Programming and Projects for the Minima and WiFiBased on the low-cost 8-bit ATmega328P processor, the Arduino Uno R3 board is likely to score as the most popular Arduino family member so far, and this workhorse has been with us for many years. Recently, the new Arduino Uno R4 was released, based on a 48-MHz, 32-bit Cortex-M4 processor with a huge amount of SRAM and flash memory. Additionally, a higher-precision ADC and a new DAC are added to the design. The new board also supports the CAN Bus with an interface.Two versions of the board are available: Uno R4 Minima, and Uno R4 WiFi. This book is about using these new boards to develop many different and interesting projects with just a handful of parts and external modules, which are available as a kit from Elektor. All projects described in the book have been fully tested on the Uno R4 Minima or the Uno R4 WiFi board, as appropriate.The project topics include the reading, control, and driving of many components and modules in the kit as well as on the relevant Uno R4 board, including LEDs 7-segment displays (using timer interrupts) LCDs Sensors RFID Reader 4×4 Keypad Real-time clock (RTC) Joystick 8×8 LED matrix Motors DAC (Digital-to-analog converter) LED matrix WiFi connectivity Serial UART CAN bus Infrared controller and receiver Simulators … all in creative and educational ways with the project operation and associated software explained in great detail.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • The CAN Bus Companion (E-book)

    Elektor Digital The CAN Bus Companion (E-book)

    Projects with Arduino Uno & Raspberry Pi with Examples for the MCP2515 CAN Bus Interface ModuleThis book details the use of the Arduino Uno and the Raspberry Pi 4 in practical CAN bus based projects. Using either the Arduino Uno or the Raspberry Pi with off-the-shelf CAN bus interface modules considerably ease developing, debugging, and testing CAN bus based projects.This book is written for students, practicing engineers, enthusiasts, and for everyone else wanting to learn more about the CAN bus and its applications. The book assumes that the reader has some knowledge of basic electronics. Knowledge of the C and Python programming languages and programming the Arduino Uno using its IDE and Raspberry Pi will be useful, especially if the reader intends to develop microcontroller-based projects using the CAN bus.The book should be a useful source of reference material for anyone interested in finding answers to questions such as: What bus systems are available for the automotive industry? What are the principles of the CAN bus? How can I create a physical CAN bus? What types of frames (or data packets) are available in a CAN bus system? How can errors be detected in a CAN bus system and how dependable is a CAN bus system? What types of CAN bus controllers exist? How do I use the MCP2515 CAN bus controller? How do I create 2-node Arduino Uno-based CAN bus projects? How do I create 3-node Arduino Uno-based CAN bus projects? How do I set the acceptance masks and acceptance filters? How do I analyze data on the CAN bus? How do I create 2-node Raspberry Pi-based CAN bus projects? How do I create 3-node Raspberry Pi-based CAN bus projects?

    € 24,95

    Leden € 19,96

  • The Complete ESP32 Projects Guide (E-book)

    Elektor Digital The Complete ESP32 Projects Guide (E-book)

    Het belangrijkste doel van dit boek is het aanleren van de Arduino IDE en MicroPython programmeertalen in ESP32 gebaseerde projecten, met behulp van het zeer populaire ESP32 DevKitC ontwikkelbord. Het boek bevat veel eenvoudige, basis- en intermediaire projecten waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van de Arduino IDE en de ESP32 DevKitC. Alle projecten zijn getest en werken. Blokdiagrammen, schakelschema's en volledige programmalijsten van alle projecten worden met uitleg gegeven. Bovendien worden verschillende projecten gegeven voor het programmeren van de ESP32 DevKitC met MicroPython. De projecten in dit boek zijn bedoeld om de volgende functies van de ESP32-processor te leren: GPIO's Aanrakingssensoren Externe interrupts Timer interrupts I²C en I²S SPI PWM ADC DAC UART Hall sensor Temperatuursensor Infrarood-controller Lezen en schrijven naar SD-kaart Lezen en schrijven naar flash-geheugen RTC-timer Chip ID Veiligheid en encryptie Wi-Fi en netwerk programmering Bluetooth BLE programmering Communicatie mobiele apparaten Laag stroomverbruik ontwerp ESP-IDF programmering De projecten zijn georganiseerd met oplopende moeilijkheidsgraden. Lezers worden aangemoedigd de projecten in de gegeven volgorde aan te pakken. Bij Elektor is een speciaal geprepareerde hardware-kit verkrijgbaar. Met behulp van deze hardware moet het gemakkelijk en leuk zijn om de projecten in dit boek te bouwen.

    € 32,95

    Leden € 26,36

  • Motor Control – Projects met Arduino & Raspberry Pi (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Motor Control - Projects met Arduino & Raspberry Pi (E-book)

    Dit boek gaat over gelijkstroom elektromotoren en hun gebruik in Arduino en Raspberry Pi Zero W gebaseerde projecten. Het boek bevat veel geteste en werkende projecten waarbij elk project de volgende sub-rubrieken heeft: Titel van het project Beschrijving van het project Blok diagram schakelschema Projectassemblage Volledige programmalijst van het project Volledige beschrijving van het programma De projecten in het boek behandelen de standaard gelijkstroommotoren, stappenmotoren, servomotoren, en mobiele robots. Het boek is bedoeld voor studenten, hobbyisten en iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het ontwikkelen van microcontroller-gebaseerde projecten met behulp van de Arduino Uno of de Raspberry Pi Zero W.Een van de leuke kenmerken van dit boek is dat het complete projecten geeft voor het op afstand besturen van een mobiele robot vanaf een mobiele telefoon, met zowel de Arduino Uno als de Raspberry Pi Zero W ontwikkelborden. Deze projecten zijn ontwikkeld met behulp van zowel Wi-Fi als de Bluetooth connectiviteit met de mobiele telefoon. Lezers moeten in staat zijn om een robot vooruit, achteruit, linksom of rechtsom te laten draaien door eenvoudige commando's te sturen vanaf een mobiele telefoon. De volledige programmalijsten van alle projecten en de gedetailleerde programmabeschrijvingen worden in het boek gegeven. Gebruikers zouden de projecten moeten kunnen gebruiken zoals ze worden gepresenteerd, of ze aan hun eigen behoeften moeten kunnen aanpassen.

    € 24,95

    Leden € 19,96

  • Raspberry Pi Pico for Radio Amateurs (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Raspberry Pi Pico for Radio Amateurs (E-book)

    Hoewel veel klassieke HF- en mobiele apparatuur nog steeds in gebruik is bij grote aantallen amateurs, is het gebruik van computers en digitale technieken nu erg populair geworden onder radioamateurs. Tegenwoordig kan iedereen een Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller board van €5 kopen en veel amateurradioprojecten ontwikkelen met behulp van de 'Pico' en enkele externe componenten. Dit boek is gericht op amateurradioliefhebbers, studenten Elektrotechniek en iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het leren gebruiken van de Raspberry Pi Pico om hun elektronische projecten vorm te geven. Het boek is zowel geschikt voor beginners in de elektronica als voor degenen met ruime ervaring.De stapsgewijze installatie van de MicroPython-programmeeromgeving wordt beschreven. Enige kennis van de programmeertaal Python is nuttig om de in het boek gegeven projecten te kunnen begrijpen en aanpassen. Het boek introduceert de Raspberry Pi Pico en geeft voorbeelden van veel algemene, software-only projecten die de lezer vertrouwd maken met de Python programmeertaal. Naast de software-only projecten die zijn toegesneden op de radioamateur, presenteert met name hoofdstuk 6 meer dan 36 hardware-gebaseerde projecten voor 'hams', waaronder: Station netspanning aan/uit controle Radio station klok GPS-gebaseerde geografische coördinaten van het station Temperatuur en vochtigheid van het radiostation Verschillende golfvormgeneratiemethoden met behulp van software en hardware (DDS) Frequentieteller Voltmeter / ampèremeter / ohmmeter / capaciteitsmeter RF meter en RF verzwakkers Morse code-oefenaars RadioStation Click bord Raspberry Pi Pico gebaseerde FM-radio Bluetooth en Wi-Fi gebruiken met Raspberry Pi Pico Radio station beveiliging met RFID Audio versterker module met roterende encoder volumeregeling Morse decoder Gebruik van de FS1000A TX-RX modules voor communicatie met Arduino

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W GO! Book

    The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W GO! Book

    A Fast-Lane Ride From Concept to ProjectThe core of the book explains the use of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W running the Python programming language, always in simple terms and backed by many tested and working example projects. On part of the reader, familiarity with the Python programming language and some experience with one of the Raspberry Pi computers will prove helpful. Although previous electronics experience is not required, some knowledge of basic electronics is beneficial, especially when venturing out to modify the projects for your own applications.Over 30 tested and working hardware-based projects are given in the book, covering the use of Wi-Fi, communication with smartphones and with a Raspberry Pi Pico W computer. Additionally, there are Bluetooth projects including elementary communication with smartphones and with the popular Arduino Uno. Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are key features of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.Some of the topics covered in the book are: Raspberry Pi OS installation on an SD card Python program creation and execution on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Software-only examples of Python running on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Hardware-based projects including LCD and Sense HAT interfacing UDP and TCP Wi-Fi based projects for smartphone communication UDP-based project for Raspberry Pi Pico W communication Flask-based webserver project Cloud storage of captured temperature, humidity, and pressure data TFT projects Node-RED projects Interfacing to Alexa MQTT projects Bluetooth-based projects for smartphone and Arduino Uno communications

    € 34,95

    Leden € 31,46

  • Kickstart to Arduino Nano

    Kickstart to Arduino Nano

    Get Cracking with the Arduino Nano V3, Nano Every, and Nano 33 IoTThe seven chapters in this book serve as the first step for novices and microcontroller enthusiasts wishing to make a head start in Arduino programming. The first chapter introduces the Arduino platform, ecosystem, and existing varieties of Arduino Nano boards. It also teaches how to install various tools needed to get started with Arduino Programming. The second chapter kicks off with electronic circuit building and programming around your Arduino. The third chapter explores various buses and analog inputs. In the fourth chapter, you get acquainted with the concept of pulse width modulation (PWM) and working with unipolar stepper motors.In the fifth chapter, you are sure to learn about creating beautiful graphics and basic but useful animation with the aid of an external display. The sixth chapter introduces the readers to the concept of I/O devices such as sensors and the piezo buzzer, exploring their methods of interfacing and programming with the Arduino Nano. The last chapter explores another member of Arduino Nano family, Arduino Nano 33 IoT with its highly interesting capabilities. This chapter employs and deepens many concepts learned from previous chapters to create interesting applications for the vast world of the Internet of Things.The entire book follows a step-by-step approach to explain concepts and the operation of things. Each concept is invariably followed by a to-the-point circuit diagram and code examples. Next come detailed explanations of the syntax and the logic used. By closely following the concepts, you will become comfortable with circuit building, Arduino programming, the workings of the code examples, and the circuit diagrams presented. The book also has plenty of references to external resources wherever needed.An archive file (.zip) comprising the software examples and Fritzing-style circuit diagrams discussed in the book may be downloaded free of charge below.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 26,96

  • Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects (E-book)

    Dit boek gaat over Raspberry Pi 4 display projecten. Het boek begint met uitleg over het installeren van het nieuwste Raspbian-besturingssysteem op een SD-kaart, en over het configureren en gebruiken van de GPIO-poorten.De kern van het boek legt de volgende onderwerpen in eenvoudige bewoordingen uit met volledig geteste en werkende voorbeeldprojecten: Eenvoudige LED-projecten Bar grafiek LED-projecten Matrix LED-projecten Bitmap LED-projecten LED-strips LCD's OLED-schermen E-paper displays TFT-schermen 7-inch aanraakscherm GUI Programmeren met Tkinder Een uniek kenmerk van dit boek is dat het bijna alle soorten displays behandelt die lezers nodig zullen hebben om te gebruiken in hun op Raspberry Pi gebaseerde projecten. De werking van elk project wordt volledig gegeven, inclusief blokdiagrammen, schakelschema's, en becommentarieerde volledige programmalijsten. Het is daarom een eenvoudige taak om de gegeven projecten om te zetten naar andere populaire platforms, zoals Arduino of PIC microcontrollers.Python-programmalijsten van alle Raspberry Pi-projecten die in dit boek zijn ontwikkeld, kunnen worden gedownload van Elektor.com. Lezers kunnen deze programma's in hun projecten gebruiken. Ze kunnen de programma's ook aanpassen aan hun eigen toepassingen.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Raspberry Pi for Radio Amateurs (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Raspberry Pi for Radio Amateurs (E-book)

    Program and build RPi-based ham station utilities, tools, and instruments Although much classical HF and mobile equipment is still in use by many amateurs, the use of computers and digital techniques has now become very popular among amateur radio operators. Nowadays, anyone can purchase a Raspberry Pi computer and run almost all amateur radio software on the ‘RPi’, which is slightly bigger than the size of a credit card. The RTL-SDR devices have become very popular among hams because of their very low cost and rich features. A basic system may consist of a USB-based RTL-SDR device (dongle) with a suitable antenna, an RPi computer, a USB-based external audio input-output adapter, and software installed on the Pi. With such a simple setup it is feasible to receive signals from around 24 MHz to over 1.7 GHz. With the addition of a low-cost upconverter device, an RTL-SDR can easily and effectively receive the HF bands. This book is aimed at amateur radio enthusiasts, electronic engineering students, and anyone interested in learning to use the Raspberry Pi to build electronic projects. The book is suitable for the full range of beginners through old hands at ham radio. Step-by-step installation of the operating system is described with many details on the commonly used Linux commands. Some knowledge of the Python programming language is required to understand and modify the projects given in the book. Example projects developed in the book include a station clock, waveform generation, transistor amplifier design, active filter design, Morse code exerciser, frequency counter, RF meter, and more. The block diagram, circuit diagram, and complete Python program listings are given for each project, including the full description of the projects. Besides wide coverage of RTL-SDR for amateur radio, the book also summarizes the installation and use instructions of the following ham radio programs and software tools you can run on your Raspberry Pi: TWCLOCK, Klog, Gpredict, FLDIGI, DIRE WOLF, xcwcp, QSSTV, LinPsk, Ham Clock, CHIRP, xastir, and CQRLOG.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Machine Learning with Python for PC, Raspberry Pi, and Maixduino (E-book)

    Elektor Digital Machine Learning with Python for PC, Raspberry Pi, and Maixduino (E-book)

    Most people are increasingly confronted with the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Music or video ratings, navigation systems, shopping advice, etc. are based on methods that can be attributed to this field. The term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956 at an international conference known as the Dartmouth Summer Research Project. One basic approach was to model the functioning of the human brain and to construct advanced computer systems based on this. Soon it should be clear how the human mind works. Transferring it to a machine was considered only a small step. This notion proved to be a bit too optimistic. Nevertheless, the progress of modern AI, or rather its subspecialty called Machine Learning (ML), can no longer be denied. In this book, several different systems will be used to get to know the methods of machine learning in more detail. In addition to the PC, both the Raspberry Pi and the Maixduino will demonstrate their capabilities in the individual projects. In addition to applications such as object and facial recognition, practical systems such as bottle detectors, person counters, or a “talking eye” will also be created. The latter is capable of acoustically describing objects or faces that are detected automatically. For example, if a vehicle is in the field of view of the connected camera, the information 'I see a car!' is output via electronically generated speech. Such devices are highly interesting examples of how, for example, blind or severely visually impaired people can also benefit from AI systems.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96

  • Building a High-Tech Alarm System with Raspberry Pi

    Elektor Publishing Building a High-Tech Alarm System with Raspberry Pi

    This book discusses the basic components of any alarm system. All alarm systems have two basic functions. First, they monitor their environment looking for a change such as a door or window opening or someone moving about in the room. Second, they alert the legal owner or user to this change. The system described in this book uses a scanning type software to detect intruders. It behaves like a guard dog, pacing up and down the fence line on the lookout for either an intruder or a familiar person. If you have an alarm key, you can disarm the system and enter. With the scanning method, the software is easy to write and explain. It can scan eight alarm zones plus two special fire zones in about one second. You don’t have to be an electrical engineer to install an alarm system, just a decent carpenter, painter, and plasterer! Because this alarm system runs on 12 volts, you don’t have to be a licensed electrician either to install it. The alarm system presented here uses Python software on the Raspberry Pi combined with some elementary electronic circuits. The code described in the book, as well as CAD files and a bill of materials for the alarm panel, are available for free downloading. The book provides the reader with examples of typical configurations coming straight from the author‘s experience. After reviewing the hardware components typically used in common alarm systems, the author shows how to plan one yourself. To implement a modular alarm, no matter if it is for a single house or for a business or restaurant, the book shows how to skillfully combine a Raspberry Pi with small auxiliary electronic circuits. These are not installation instructions but food for thought that will enable readers to find a solution to their needs.

    € 24,95

    Leden € 22,46

  • MicroPython for Microcontrollers (E-book)

    Elektor Digital MicroPython for Microcontrollers (E-book)

    Projects with Thonny-IDE, uPyCraft-IDE, and ESP32 The 'Python' programming language has enjoyed an enormous upswing in recent years. Not least, various single-board systems such as the Raspberry Pi have contributed to its popularity. But Python has also found widespread use in other fields, such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML). It is obvious, therefore, to use Python or the 'MicroPython' variant for use in SoCs (Systems on Chip) as well. Powerful controllers such as the ESP32 from Espressif Systems offer excellent performance as well as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality at an affordable price. With these features, the Maker scene has been taken by storm. Compared to other controllers, the ESP32 has a significantly larger flash and SRAM memory, as well as a much higher CPU speed. Due to these characteristics, the chip is not only suitable for classic C applications, but also for programming with MicroPython. This book introduces the application of modern one-chip systems. In addition to the technical background, the focus is on MicroPython itself. After the introduction to the language, the programming skills learned are immediately put into practice. The individual projects are suitable for use in the laboratory as well as for everyday applications. So, in addition to the actual learning effect, the focus is also on the joy of building complete and useful devices. By using laboratory breadboards, circuits of all kinds can be realized with little effort, turning the testing and debugging of the 100% homebrew projects into an instructive pleasure. The various applications, such as weather stations, digital voltmeters, ultrasound range finders, RFID card readers or function generators, make the projects presented ideally suited for practical courses or subject and study work in the natural sciences, or in science and technology classes.

    € 27,95

    Leden € 22,36

  • Programming Voice-controlled IoT Applications with Alexa and Raspberry Pi

    Programming Voice-controlled IoT Applications with Alexa and Raspberry Pi

    Learn programming for Alexa devices, extend it to smart home devices and control the Raspberry PiThe book is split into two parts: the first part covers creating Alexa skills and the second part, designing Internet of Things and Smart Home devices using a Raspberry Pi.The first chapters describe the process of Alexa communication, opening an Amazon account and creating a skill for free. The operation of an Alexa skill and terminology such as utterances, intents, slots, and conversations are explained. Debugging your code, saving user data between sessions, S3 data storage and Dynamo DB database are discussed.In-skill purchasing, enabling users to buy items for your skill as well as certification and publication is outlined. Creating skills using AWS Lambda and ASK CLI is covered, along with the Visual Studio code editor and local debugging. Also covered is the process of designing skills for visual displays and interactive touch designs using Alexa Presentation Language.The second half of the book starts by creating a Raspberry Pi IoT 'thing' to control a robot from your Alexa device. This covers security issues and methods of sending and receiving MQTT messages between an Alexa device and the Raspberry Pi.Creating a smart home device is described including forming a security profile, linking with Amazon, and writing a Lambda function that gets triggered by an Alexa skill. Device discovery and on/off control is demonstrated.Next, readers discover how to control a smart home Raspberry Pi display from an Alexa skill using Simple Queue Service (SQS) messaging to switch the display on and off or change the color.A node-RED design is discussed from the basic user interface right up to configuring MQTT nodes. MQTT messages sent from a user are displayed on a Raspberry Pi.A chapter discusses sending a proactive notification such as a weather alert from a Raspberry Pi to an Alexa device. The book concludes by explaining how to create Raspberry Pi as a stand-alone Alexa device.

    € 34,95

    Leden € 31,46

  • Mastering the Arduino Uno R4

    Mastering the Arduino Uno R4

    Programming and Projects for the Minima and WiFiBased on the low-cost 8-bit ATmega328P processor, the Arduino Uno R3 board is likely to score as the most popular Arduino family member so far, and this workhorse has been with us for many years. Recently, the new Arduino Uno R4 was released, based on a 48-MHz, 32-bit Cortex-M4 processor with a huge amount of SRAM and flash memory. Additionally, a higher-precision ADC and a new DAC are added to the design. The new board also supports the CAN Bus with an interface.Two versions of the board are available: Uno R4 Minima, and Uno R4 WiFi. This book is about using these new boards to develop many different and interesting projects with just a handful of parts and external modules, which are available as a kit from Elektor. All projects described in the book have been fully tested on the Uno R4 Minima or the Uno R4 WiFi board, as appropriate.The project topics include the reading, control, and driving of many components and modules in the kit as well as on the relevant Uno R4 board, including LEDs 7-segment displays (using timer interrupts) LCDs Sensors RFID Reader 4×4 Keypad Real-time clock (RTC) Joystick 8×8 LED matrix Motors DAC (Digital-to-analog converter) LED matrix WiFi connectivity Serial UART CAN bus Infrared controller and receiver Simulators … all in creative and educational ways with the project operation and associated software explained in great detail.

    € 34,95

    Leden € 31,46

  • C Programming with Arduino (E-BOOK)

    Elektor Digital C Programming with Arduino (E-BOOK)

    Technologie verandert voortdurend. Elk jaar komen er nieuwe microcontrollers beschikbaar. Het enige dat hetzelfde is gebleven, is de programmeertaal C waarmee deze microcontrollers worden geprogrammeerd. Wil je deze standaardtaal leren om microcontrollers te programmeren, dan is dit boek iets voor jou! Arduino is het hardwareplatform dat gebruikt wordt om de programmeertaal C te leren, aangezien Arduino boards wereldwijd verkrijgbaar zijn en de populaire AVR microcontrollers van Atmel bevatten.Atmel Studio wordt gebruikt als ontwikkelomgeving voor het schrijven van C-programma's voor AVR-microcontrollers. Het is een volledig geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsomgeving (IDE) die gebruik maakt van de GCC C-softwaretools voor AVR-microcontrollers en is gratis te downloaden.In één oogopslag: Start met leren programmeren vanaf het eerste hoofdstuk Er is geen programmeerervaring nodig Leer door te doen – typ en draai de voorbeeldprogramma's Een leuke manier om de programmeertaal C te leren Ideaal voor elektronische hobbyisten, studenten en ingenieurs die de programmeertaal C willen leren in een embedded omgeving op AVR-microcontrollers Gebruik de gratis volledige Atmel Studio IDE-software voor Windows Schrijf C-programma's voor 8-bit AVR-microcontrollers zoals op de Arduino Uno- en MEGA-boards De voorbeeldcode draait op Arduino Uno en Arduino MEGA 2560 boards en kan worden aangepast om op andere AVR microcontrollers of boards te draaien Gebruik de AVR Dragon programmer / debugger in combinatie met Atmel Studio om C-programma's te debuggen

    € 33,95

    Leden € 27,16

  • Multitasking with Raspberry Pi

    Multitasking with Raspberry Pi

    Multitasking and multiprocessing have become a very important topic in microcontroller-based systems, namely in complex commercial, domestic, and industrial automation applications. As the complexity of projects grows, more functionalities are demanded from the projects. Such projects require the use of multiple inter-related tasks running on the same system and sharing the available resources, such as the CPU, memory, and input-output ports. As a result of this, the importance of multitasking operations in microcontroller-based applications has grown steadily over the last few years. Many complex automation projects now make use of some form of a multitasking kernel.This book is project-based and its main aim is to teach the basic features of multitasking using the Python 3 programming language on Raspberry Pi. Many fully tested projects are provided in the book using the multitasking modules of Python. Each project is described fully and in detail. Complete program listings are given for each project. Readers should be able to use the projects as they are, or modify them to suit their own needs.The following Python multitasking modules have been described and used in the projects: Fork Thread Threading Subprocess Multiprocessing The book includes simple multitasking projects such as independently controlling multiple LEDs, to more complex multitasking projects such as on/off temperature control, traffic lights control, 2-digit, and 4-digit 7-segment LED event counter, reaction timer, stepper motor control, keypad based projects, car park controller, and many more. The fundamental multitasking concepts such as process synchronization, process communication, and memory sharing techniques have been described in projects concerning event flags, queues, semaphores, values, and so on.

    € 34,95

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  • The Arduino-Inside Measurement Lab

    The Arduino-Inside Measurement Lab

    An 8-in-1 test & measurement instrument for the electronics workbench A well-equipped electronics lab is crammed with power supplies, measuring devices, test equipment and signal generators. Wouldn‘t it be better to have one compact device for almost all tasks? Based on the Arduino, a PC interface is to be developed that’s as versatile as possible for measurement and control. It simply hangs on a USB cable and – depending on the software – forms the measuring head of a digital voltmeter or PC oscilloscope, a signal generator, an adjustable voltage source, a frequency counter, an ohmmeter, a capacitance meter, a characteristic curve recorder, and much more. The circuits and methods collected here are not only relevant for exactly these tasks in the "MSR" electronics lab, but many details can also be used within completely different contexts.

    € 29,95

    Leden € 26,96

  • Explore the Raspberry Pi in 45 Electronics Projects (3rd Edition)

    Explore the Raspberry Pi in 45 Electronics Projects (3rd Edition)

    3rd Edition – Fully updated for Raspberry Pi 4The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap but complete computer system that allows all sorts of electronics parts and extensions to be connected. This book addresses one of the strongest aspects of the Raspberry Pi: the ability to combine hands-on electronics and programming.Combine hands-on electronics and programmingAfter a short introduction to the Raspberry Pi you proceed with installing the required software. The SD card that can be purchased in conjunction with this book contains everything to get started with the Raspberry Pi. At the side of the (optional) Windows PC, software is used which is free for downloading. The book continues with a concise introduction to the Linux operating system, after which you start programming in Bash, Python 3 and Javascript. Although the emphasis is on Python, the coverage is brief and to the point in all cases – just enabling you to grasp the essence of all projects and start adapting them to your requirements. All set, you can carry on with fun projects.The book is ideal for self-studyNo fewer than 45 exciting and compelling projects are discussed and elaborated in detail. From a flashing lights to driving an electromotor; from processing and generating analog signals to a lux meter and a temperature control. We also move to more complex projects like a motor speed controller, a web server with CGI, client-server applications and Xwindows programs.Each project has details of the way it got designed that wayThe process of reading, building, and programming not only provides insight into the Raspberry Pi, Python, and the electronic parts used, but also enables you to modify or extend the projects any way you like. Also, feel free to combine several projects into a larger design.

    € 34,95

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  • The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W GO! Book (PDF)

    Elektor Digital The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W GO! Book (PDF)

    A Fast-Lane Ride From Concept to ProjectThe core of the book explains the use of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W running the Python programming language, always in simple terms and backed by many tested and working example projects. On part of the reader, familiarity with the Python programming language and some experience with one of the Raspberry Pi computers will prove helpful. Although previous electronics experience is not required, some knowledge of basic electronics is beneficial, especially when venturing out to modify the projects for your own applications.Over 30 tested and working hardware-based projects are given in the book, covering the use of Wi-Fi, communication with smartphones and with a Raspberry Pi Pico W computer. Additionally, there are Bluetooth projects including elementary communication with smartphones and with the popular Arduino Uno. Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are key features of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.Some of the topics covered in the book are: Raspberry Pi OS installation on an SD card Python program creation and execution on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Software-only examples of Python running on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Hardware-based projects including LCD and Sense HAT interfacing UDP and TCP Wi-Fi based projects for smartphone communication UDP-based project for Raspberry Pi Pico W communication Flask-based webserver project Cloud storage of captured temperature, humidity, and pressure data TFT projects Node-RED projects Interfacing to Alexa MQTT projects Bluetooth-based projects for smartphone and Arduino Uno communications

    € 29,95

    Leden € 23,96


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